Friday, July 1, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 23

the ride back was quiet, beyonce's 1+1 was playing and all i could think of was Khaled, my Khaled.

"if i ain't got nothing i got you, if i ain't got something i don't give a damn cause i got it with you, i don't know much about algebra but i know 1+1 equals two. and its me and you thats all well have when the world is through."

Why is everything so complicated? Is this a sign from God that nothing should happen between us? I got home with a million thoughts racing back and forth. No one was home which was perfect, i looked like crap, i wanted to take a shower and study until it was time for 9alat ilmaghreb and wait for his call.

I looked at the clock, it was 2:00.. i went downstairs for lunch, i was in an okay mood, ma chena 9ar shay ilyoum. I excused myself to continue studying. I went upstairs and checked my phone, i had a bbm from Khaled.

him: studying?

me: yeah sorry for the late reply.

him: np:*

me: why whats up?

him: mako, i just wanted to check up on 7abeebtii

me: aww thats so cute:* i love you

him: i love you more

me: inzain im going to go back to studying now, i'll talk to you once im done.

him: good luck:*!

me: study khaled okay?

him: lat7ateen:*

me: :*

i studied from 2:45- 6 non stop then got ready for Jawa's family gathering.

I wore a short red dress with gold wedges and a clutch. I looked casual, and thats exactly what i had to look like. I let my hair fall loosely with my defined curls framing my face. I put on some bronzer, eye liner, mascara, and clear lipgloss. I then wore some simple jewelry and headed downstairs.

I sat on the sofa waiting for the rest of the family to finish up while i watched tv. athan, so gimt 9alait in the guest room, already kint mitwathya. i was waiting for the phone call now..

athan was 6:50... 9arat 7.. my parents came down, we were just waiting for the rest..

the phone rang..

my mom answered it (thank God)

her: aloo?

wa3alaikom ilsalam

ya hala, halla feech... halla ahalin..

il7imdilah ib khair


hahhhahahha eee binty


mino wildich?

wini3im feeh

ee? laa? 9ij? *she had a big smile on her face*

Ghanima? ana kint wiyach bil thanaweeya 9a7?

hahhahha eee tithakartich! wallah ilkuwait sgheeeraa



inzain khalas bas lazim ashawer ubooha waridlich khabar..

he kaho ilraqam 3indy..

khalas 9ar

inshoofich 3ala khair inshallah

ma3a ilsalamaaa

*then she closed the phone and walked over and sat between me and my dad..*

her: 6alal, Lujain...

both of us: halla

her: Lujain tadreen mino kalamt ana tawne?

me: ee adre

her: 9ij?

dad: inzain shraykom tgooloonly shay ya3ni?

mom: 6alal tathker Ghanima Al Flani? waladha yaby Lujain, wiyaha bil jam3a oo 3ala kalamha maet feeha..

dad: lajooooon hahahha 9ar 3indich mu3jabeeeeeeen?

me: *my face turned red.. really red* ee...

dad: mino ubooh?

her: isma Khaled Al Flani

dad: ubohh Flan Al Flani?

her: ee t3arfa?

dad: ee khoush nas, kila eyeena ilsharika ikoon 3inda meeting aw shaghla chithee. 9ij khoush nas welkil yimda7 feeh.

her: 9ij?

dad: ee wallah...

her: nitwakal?

dad: ee ana min rayi nitwakal 3ala allah oo digay 3alaiha bacher gooleelha eyoon. bas shrayich Lujain? tabeena? hatha qararich were here to guide you bas.

me: ha? umm.. ee yuba rathya feeh oo abeeh

mom: hahahhha 3ayyyyyaaaaaraaaaa t3arfeeena haaa?

me: hehehhhe yumaaaaaa

mom: * got up and hugged me tight* binty a3arfich! a7ibich!

me: mama a7ibich akthar!

dad: lajoon ta3alay shwaya

me: i went over to him and sat right on his lap

dad: shoofay, intay my baby. im always here for you 7abeebti. ayshay mthaygich tgooleenli ok? ligaytay your prince bas tara haaaa? i'll always be your king.

me: akeed baba i love you so much! *i gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek*
bas 6alabtkom..

dad: amray?


mom and dad: hahahhha inshallah 7abeebtii, akeed!

So Khaled IS really sure he wants this? Akeed he is, he told his mom to call and she did. Khalas no backing out.

I excused myself and went upstairs to call Khaled 3ala ma the kids finish up.

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