Thursday, June 30, 2011

message from me :)

hello my wonderful followers..

i hope you're enjoying the story! please feel free to comment/contact me with any suggestions on anything! i'm open for anything! this blog is for you to read and enjoy and i want it to be something good!

please tell your friends too!

take care my loves x

till next time, a.

Bittersweet Love Part 22


Me: Lujain?

she turned her head and looked at me and left her hair alone. she was playing with her curly hair. she always does that. always doing something, this time it was playing with her beautiful hair. i looked at her

her: halla?

me: sh3indich ilyoum?

her: i was going to study 3indy midterm 3ugub bacher

me: inzain lets both ditch studying and do something together all day?

her: like what?

me: lets go swimming

her: haw wain?

me: shalaihna

her: umm.. no khaled..

i knew i wasnt supposed to say that, ilashkal eli iroo7oon shalaihat waskheen when they do that, bas i want to spend the day with her actually doing something and having fun...

me: Lujain i know what your thinking

her: yeah exactly, mala da3y...

me: sorry.. bas dont think of it that way, i just wanted us to do something fun...

her: mm madree, khal enkhalis min hal suwalif khaled oo ba3dain i9eer khair...

me: okaay..

we had a long talk about our midterms and what we wanted to do that week. we didnt bring up anything about "mawthoo3na" which was a relief but i knew i had to do something about it.. now.

her: inzain ana lazim amshy al7een la2ana i need to study oo belail lazim inroo7 bait Jawa her family imsawyeen 3asha oo 3azmeena..

him: yalla ok i'll drop you to your car..

she got up and i held her hand and lead the way to the door.. what was weird was that she held my hand really tight as if i was letting go and she didnt want me to.

we got to her car, she put on her sunglasses, threw her stuff in the passenger seat and got in.. i held the door open and told her to take care, and right then and there, i saw a single tear escape her eyes and appear under her sunglasses.

while i was wiping away her tear: lujain shfeech? tell me..

her: your not going to do anything right?

me: lujain i told you i am..

her: thats what you said last time.

me: last time was different. lujain i told you abe atzawejich. i want to get married to you, as soon as possible ba3ad.

her: bas khaled lay mita oo hal cold feet? khaled lama agoolik i dont know what were doing i mean it. tara ana 7aly min 7alek. the only difference is that inta rayal oo ana bint. bas were both as clueless as each other and its obvious we have no idea what were doing. we need our parents khaled and you doing this isnt helping.

me: lajoonty, please fihmeeny. please rakzay wiyay (i held both of her hands and got at her eye level and really close to have her undivided attention) im going home now, not to study, no. im going home now to sit with my mom and dad and talk to them about this. then once e2athen win9ali, im going to sit at the phone and get my mom, shes going to dial your house number and talk to your mother. fahma?

i was dead serious, no more cold feet. ana abchy lujain? abacheeha of something im sure i want but im totally clueless about? she was right, we just need to be guided by our parents oo adree mara7 ega9roon.

her: okay khaled.

me: i love you, you know that?

her: i love you too khaled, wallah i love you too..

we both smiled and i kissed her hand then shut the door to her car. I headed to my car and stayed put until Lujain moved. it took her awhile, i could see her fixing her face after all the crying. as soon as she got out of the parking lot, i followed and lost her somewhere between the cars.

i got home and found my mom drinking her coffee and watching the news with 3 newspapers stacked up next to her on the couch.

me: 9abaa7 ilkhair ya aghla um (as i proceeded to kiss her forehead)

her: haa.. 9aba7 ilnoor! wain kint inta?

me: mako wa7id min ilshabab kan yaby shaghla fa ri7tla..

her: eee.. shlounik?

me: wallah zain il7imdilah, intay shlonich?

her: zainaa, bas madre shfeeni ta3bana bas abe anam..

me: ee shwarach yuma, namay irta7ay hahha

her: la wallah? oo mino bimshy ilbait?

me: ee 9a7.. ya7ilwich yuma..

her: hehhe

after a long silence...

me: yuma abe ag3ad wiyach intay oo ubouy bas yig3ad ok?

her: ee afa 3alaik. laish feek shay?

me: hhehhhe la2 yuma mafeeni ila il3afya bas fe mawthoo3 abe akhith raykom feeh...

her: ee inshallah.. roo7 badel oo rayi7, ubouuk akeed byeg3ad ba3ad shwaya may7ib inam wayed..

me: inshallah..

Bittersweet Love Part 21


me: khaled shfeek?

him: mafeeni shay

me: latchaithib 3alay

him: mu ga3id achathib

me: ok, i could sit here all day until u tell me shfeek.

he didnt say a word. we sat there for what seemed like half an hour just staring at the cars passing by. blue ones, white ones, red ones, black ones. with each car that passes by, i could feel my heart beating so hard that it would stop at any moment. i couldn't take it anymore, so i just blurted it all out

me: if you didnt want to get married, you didnt have to propose.

he didnt say a word..

me: if you didnt want to be my husband khaled, then you didnt have to tell me you wanted me to be your wife.

he didnt even look at me.

me: khaled, itha matabeeni laish tabe takh6ibny?

he didnt move an inch, but his breathing got heavier.

me: khaled


i froze.

he got up and pulled a chair and sat right next to me. he took my hand in his and looked deep into my eyes as he said:

Lujain wallah abeech. wras umi oo ubouy abeech. abeech. tadreen shino ya3ni ana oo agoom wana a7lem ib 7ayatna ma3a ba3ath? tadreen shino ya3ni abee atzawijich? tadreen shino ya3ni lama agooolich abeech t9eereen um 3yaly? i mean every single thing i say bas yakhy 7aram i get cold feet? 7aram akhaf? 7aram atwatar? lazim kilshay asawee akoon 100% mit2aked oo i dont hav my doubts?

he stopped to take a breath, the second he stopped i started:

khaled, mu 3aib enik tkhaf. bas inta tabe titzawaj. ilzawaj mu rainbows oo butterflies oo its not perfect. its not easy. its not beautiful unless you make it beautiful. mas2ooleeya. ahaly oo ahalik are getting married, not just me and you. expectations rise and our families are going to want to know everything that goes on. so when you say enek mu 100% mit2aked u want this, think again before having your mom call me mom. Khaled im only 18, fe alf wa7id ra7 eeyeeni, maby at3alag chithe. you either want me or you dont. inta dash ib hal mawthoo3 lazim itkoon mit2aked ina this is what you want.

i pulled my hand away from his and looked out the window. i didnt want to cry, but i was broken inside. khaled held my hand again and said:

lujain ana shgilt? abeech.

me: tabeeni fa tsawee feeni chithee oo mu mit2aked?

him: ee abeech. oo mit2aked min hal shay/

me: bas you just said...

he cut me off and said: khalas al7een ti2akadt ina abeech lujain. after everything you said, na7ashtay those feelings of doubt. i dont doubt us anymore. lujain i know our families are the ones getting married not just me and you, i know that were still young, and believe me i know that there are a million guys that wish to be around you. Lujain ana al7een masek eed jawhara and im not willing to let go.

i jokingly said: mit2aked?

he gave me his million dollar smile and said: ee mit2aked.

me: ok

him: bas ok?

me: ee bas ok..

him: ok.

me: shtaby?

him: siktay

me: ok.

him: ok.

he got up and sat in front of me again, i sipped on my coffee and continued staring out the window but he continued staring at me.

Bittersweet Love Part 20


After calling Lujain a million times, I decided to stop and walk away from my phone. I needed to be alone. I needed to be away from everyone and everything that would remind me of her. I just needed to think if this is what I want. I don’t want to sound like a baby, but this is a HUGE step that I’m about to take. Being a Kuwaiti man, this is a huge responsibility and I can’t change mind whenever I wanted to. (no matter how ironic that is, I kind of am doing that)

An hour passed with my unstable emotions taking the best out of me. I’m not an emotional person, but what was happening to me?

Ilmohim, shift mobiley wela Lujain daga 3alay alf mara oo ma radait. Qarart eni adezlaha msg, shes asleep for sure.


me: Hey Lujain, lat7ateen im ok. call me once you wake up, banam shwaya.

right then & there she read my bbm, but she didnt answer me. I didnt want to call her or send her a msg, i know she felt something was wrong. 

I drifted off to sleep with a heavy heart for what seemed like 4 or 5 hours until my phone rang, it was Lujain. 

I answered my phone in my sleepy voice: aloo?

Lujain: meet me in starbucks palms in an hour, we need to talk.

me: ha? shfeech?

her: khaled just be there, can you do that? ok?

me: ok..

& she just closed the phone without a goodbye.

I got up and ninja-ed my way through my shower and got into my grey A&F training pants and a white t-shirt. I was so tired and i felt like shit knowing that I've pissed Lujain off. I got there in exactly one hour since she called me. I walked in and found her waiting in her car for me. I called her to tell her i was here. I went to her car and opened the door for her and wanted to give her a hug. she just looked at me and said:

her: 9aba7 ilkhair..

me with a weak smile: 9aba7 ilnoor

her: ha dashaina?

me: after you..

She looked stunning. She was wearing a long beach dress and her hair was wavy just the way i like it. I walked one step behind her,i wanted to show her the most respect possible. 

We walked in and i asked her for her order, she said she was going to go get us couches to sit on. 

We sat next to the window and sipped our drinks until...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 19


I was studying all day long and totally forgot to call Khaled to see what he's been up to. I tend to be like that around midterms and finals. I called him a few times but he never answered. He was probably studying too. I went back to studying, it was about 4:45. I promised I'd stop lama e2athen ilmaghreb oo ina aroo7 ag3ad wiya umi shwaya.. I miss her.

After an hour or so, sima3t ilathan so ni6arta ikhales 3ashan a9aly oo anzel ag3ad wiya umi.

My mom wasn't in the living room, i knew that she just went to pray and come back. I poured myself some green tea, cut myself a piece of cake and watched never ending commercials until my mother came into the living room.

Mom: haa khalastay dirasa?

me: ee il7imdilah

mom: zain ashwa, ya36eech il3afyaa ya rab

me: hehehe allah e3afeech mama... this cake is good..

mom: ana sawait'ha, i had a lot of free time today..

me: ya rait i get some free time ba3ad, ildirasa shway shway ga3da tithba7ny

mom: yala 3an ildala3, ma buga shay

me: hehee adree, inzain whats good on TV?

mom: ako filim comedy bi7i6oona ba3ad shwaya, lets watch it.

me: okay great!

After 10 minutes the movie started and after 20 minutes we were hooked and ignored everything else around us. I was really tired though and felt like i could fall asleep at any second but i was fighting back the yawns and the watery eyes, i wanted to watch this movie, it was actually funny.


I opened my eyes to find that it was 2 am. My mom left me here to sleep? Why didnt she wake me up? ilthaher istaw3ibat shkither ta3bana. I got up and headed up to my room. The red light was blinking on my blackberry. 31 missed calls- Khaled, Jawa, Lama, Sara. 7 BBMS, Khaled, Jawa, Lama, Sara and the rest were BC's. 3 messages- Khaled & da3ayat.

Ikhtara3t! shfee Khaled?! I called but he didnt answer....

(short post today, i'm really tired)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 18

Dedicated to Salooma for making my day with her comment :)


I've never pictured my future. I've never set plans for my love life. I've never imagined myself laying down on a couch in my living room with my wife and kids laughing at something on TV.

But now...

Now i see it. I see my future. Lujain. I love her more today than i did yesterday. I will love her more in 10 years than I do today. I can see us hanging out at home with our kids laughing. I can see it all and to say the least its scaring me. I'm going to settle down. One woman. One. Just one, for the rest of my life.

After receiving a bbm from Lujain with their house number, i took a moment to take all this reality in. Once i walk down those stairs and hand my mom a piece of paper with my her mom's number, and as soon as she calls, there is NO turning back.

As i wrote down her number on a post-it, all i could think about is whether or not i really wanted this. Most of the time, the answer was yes. But when i doubted myself, i couldn't decide if they were just cold feet or if i really did not want this.

I made my way down the long line of stairs and finally reached the couch where my mother was sitting sipping her tea, watching TV and peeling away at a small bowl of 7ab shamsy. I clenched the paper with my right hand, it seemed like it was glued and my mouth was glued shut as well. I sat there watching the dramatic TV show still drowning in my thoughts until i was able to blurt out...


mom: hallaa khaloodi

me: yuma hach ilraqam

mom: ay raqam?

me: raqam bait Al-Flani, abe Lujain *i said it without hesitation, it must mean i want it*

mom: ee eee, khalas bas e2athen ilmagharb adeg... bas mama abeek troo7 7ag ubook ib makteba ta7at abeek tkalma gabel la adeg 3an ilmawthoo3. ana kalamta gabel shwaya bas yaby e7acheek..

me: inshallah min 3yoony ya aghla um bil 3alam.

I got up and kissed her forehead then walked away. I went down to our basement where my dad has an office near a very laid back living room.

I knocked the door...

Dad: tfathaal!

Me: ahlan ahlan bil walid! *me and my dad were very cool together*

dad: hehhe halla feek! ta3al eg3ad..

me: inshallah...

dad: shloun iljam3a? mita ilimti7anat inshallah?

me: wallah zainaa, inshallah abdy awal emte7an a week from today, kint babdy dirasa ilyoum

dad: 3afyaaa 3alamtek 3adel ;) edriss gabelha ib wagt oo rayi7 balek..

me: ee i only learn from the best ;)

dad: shift shlouun.. inzain khalna min hal small talk, abe akalmek 3an mawthoo3 bint AlFlani...

me: ee umi galatly..

dad: min 9ijik inta?

me: wallah yuba ee, min9ijy. *i did it again, no hesitation*

dad: bas tadre ina mako zawaj ela 3ugub ma tetkharaj 9a7?

me: adre yuba, bas maby akoon min hal shabab eli akalem bint oo agoolaha ena bi9eer shay bainaa oo akher shay 7ata khi6ba mat9eer. yuba ana kibart 3ala hal suwalif. abe jidam ilnas a7afeth 3ala ilbint, maby akharebha. ilrayal may3eeba shay, bas ilbint.. ilbint yuba jawhara... maby akharebha.

dad: uff wildy kibar..

me: yuba late6anaz 3alaay tikfa, min9ijy. a7ibha.

dad: min9ijik inta? Khalid ilbnya kubrek! ahalha byerthoun ib khi6ba?

me: ee laish mayrthoun? nage9na shay a7na?

dad: la il7imidelah, bas ilmawthoo3 mu 3an itha nage9na shay wela la2. yuba ilmawthoo3 3an itha intaw tawkom sghar 3ala ilzawaj wela la2...

me: winta oo umi? ha yuba? madre mino kha6ab umi lama kanat 18 wuhwa kan 20.. mu nafs ilqisa? Lujain 19, akbar min umi ba3ad wagt'ha...

dad: gabel ghair.

me: il7ub yithghayar?

dad: ee yafreg...

me: shloun yuba?

dad: gabel kan ghair khalid, ilnas ghair, ma7ad kan 3inda suwalif...

me: wana abe akh6uibha la2ani ma abe suwalif. yuba ebtakh6eblyaha? wela shloun?

dad: hehhe khalood roo7 gool 7ag umik itdeg 3ala bait'hom 3ugub 9alat ilmaghreb..

me: ya3ni ee?

dad: akeed.

I ran to the other side of the desk and kissed my father's balding forehead. I proceeded to the door with a huge grin on my face. I closed the door to his office shut and did my little happy dance. If Lujain saw me do that, i don't think we'd get married.. HAH! who am i kidding? were in love...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 17

Next day...


I woke up to the cutest message from Khaled: 9abaa7 ilkhair wifey! hahahha ana 7ader al7een bakalem umi mithel ma gilna ams, once im done il bbm u and when ur back il tell u the details. a7ibich:*

i replied: 9abaa7 ilnoor :* okay talk to you soon!

I got up changed out of my comfy pjs and wore a loose white top and leggings with black flats, i wanted to be comfortable. Me and Jawa decided to go get breakfast to go from a nearby starbucks and head back to our houses. I had so much work to get done & most of all i wanted to talk to Khaled. MY Khaled :D

After endless screaming, laughing and singing we finally reacher home, i dropped her off and headed home which was a few seconds down the road. I sat with my mom for what seemed like ages, bas 7aram ma shift;ha in a couple of days fa ga3adt. I raced upstairs using the "i need the bathroom" excuse & quickly called Khaled!

ring ring ring...

Him: halla bil ghalya hallllaaa

Me: ahlan ahlaan

him: shlonich?

me: ta3banaaa, youu?

him: me too!

me: shaklee baraye7 ba3dain i start studying..

him: 3ad ilyoum ana ba3ad kint badris.

me: qalad mako shakh9iya hahhha

him: siktaaay hahhha lajoooon?

me: khaaaaled?

him: hehhe agollich? wela af?

me: madre, tabe tgool? gool.. mataby tgool? kaifik!

him: la wallah? ya3ni mayhimich t3arfeen ina umi tabe raqam baitkom 3ashan itdig 3ala umich?

me: la imbela ehemnyy

him: 3abali ba3ad

Me&him: hahahahahahhahhahahahahhahhhahahhahahahaaa

We burst out laughing like idiots ina 9ij bit9eer ilsalfaaa!!

him: lajoon siktaay ga9ray 7isich! hahahhha a7ibich

me: hahahhhhaha mane gadra asket...

him: hahhha siktay yallaaa roo7ay g3day wiya umich and bbm me the number

me: inshallah hahhaha

him: lujain i love you!

me: hahha i love you too!!

him: byee

me: byeee

EVERYTHING WAS FALLING INTO PLACE! Finally i found my man! i found THE man!

Bittersweet Love Part 16


Dashait dakhel ilshalaih & a million thoughts were racing back & forth. Shsawait ana? What is he going to think of me? oh my God fashalt 3umry!

I decided to change into my pjs, wash up and get into bed, yimkin he bbms me...

20 minutes later i was in bed watching an episode of Friends that was on tv. I always loved Ross, he was so geeky... in the middle of my giggles and Ross' stupidity, i get a bbm..

Khaled: Lujain?

Me: hala

Him: ma nimtay?

me: la im watching tv, laish ma nimt?

him: mako thinking...

me: about?

him: about how much im falling for u

me: really?

him: lujain wallah mu fahmaa intay, ana ma a7eb. bas right now ana mayit feech.

me: khaled madre shagoolik bas i really like you too

him: i dont like you, lujain 6alal alflani, i love you.
eee eee i love you
i L O V E you

me: khaled are u serious? or is it because of what just happened baina?

him: what happened just now baina akadly ina ur the one i want, ur the one i want to be with, the one i want to marry, the one i want to have kids with, the one i want to laugh, cry and get angry with. Lujain intay ilbint ilwa7eeda eli afaker feeha lama aghamth 3ainy. your the only girl that i can picture being my wife and raising my children.

me: khaled?

him: yes?

me: khaled i dont want to sound like a kid....

him: mafahamt?

me: i love you too

him: shino? 9ij? are you saying it because i said it? or do u really mean it?

me: wallah i love you khaled

him: Lujain, bacher lama inrid ildeera bakalem umi.

me: what?

him: bas she knows 7a6 wa7da ib baly oo bas bakh6ibich. This is going to happen soon khalas. Once i tell her agoolich..

me: khaled?

him: a7ibich.. roo7ay namay yallah

me: hehehhe okay ti9ba7 3ala khairr

him: wintay min ahalaaa


Bas bacher lama arid ildeera bakalem umi oo adre enha bitwafeq la2ana ihya mayta tabeeni akh6ib 3ashan awal ma atkharaj atawaj.. oo al7een ligait eli a7ibha oo abeeha fa khalas its time to seal the deal...

Lujain 6alal AlFlani & Khaled Fahad AlFlani

erta7 baly oo min a9ba7 afla7, let me try to get some sleep, big day tomorrow..

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 15


9arat ilsa3a 1 oo qararna ina bn6la3 al7een 7adag. naalna il6arad oo mishaina, kina imjahzeen aghrathna already dakhel ilshalaih. &ail kan ib kha6ry akshet ib rab3y waroo7 ag3ad wiya Lajoonty.. ee LAJOONTTTYYYY MALTY! Kan weddi adeg 3alaiha agoolaha tanzel min shalaihum oo nig3ad ma3a ba3ath 3ala ilba7ar, mino bishoofna ya3ni? Rifeejat'ha bitkoon nayma.. Akh bas!

ilmohim, 6ool l6ireej wana afaker feeha. kilshwaya aba6el 9oorat'ha malat bbm wakhiz'ha laima a7is 3ala nafsy wastaw3eb ina ib ay la7tha wa7id min ilrabi3 yestaw3eb eni "mughram" hhehehhe.. ilmohim, kan jad malaqa ana aslan yaay la2ana adre ina ilshabab yaboony ayee, wela itha 3alay aroo7 ag3ad bel shalaih wayed abrakli..

6la3at ilshams wana 3ala nafs il7ala, bbm ashoof yimkin itezli shay aw ipod oo 7ade sar7aaan! 

ilshabab 9adaw shwayat simach bas kilish mahamna, ray7een 7ag il"wanasa" ma3ana ma sheft ilwanasa feeha. 

9arat ilsa3a 5 oo qararna nrid ilshalaih. ma kint abe anam, kint ga3ed a7lem bel jet oo bel ba7ar, abe astanis. thnaina min ilshabab galaw byanzloon ma3ay.. khoush. Akeed ra7 ashoof Lujain. Akhh 3ad shloun shakelha bikoon? Akeed ra7 ayenn itha shift'haa ib her swim suit.. i wonder. 

"yalla 3ala eedek 7abeebi yallah 3alemny dakhalat ib madresat 7ubek w tawny bel sina iloulaaa" ghniyat mona amarshaa 3alegaat oo ma kint gader awagefhaa...

yalla Lujain goomay...

Chenha sma3atny oo radat 3alaay! I got a bbm from her

"9abaa7 ilkhaair! Radaitaw ilshalaih?"

me: 9abaa7 ilnoor! 9aa7 ilnoum! ee tawna radaina gabel shwaya, banzel ba7ar in a bit. you?

her: 9a7 bdenek.. how was it? bnitrayag oo nanzel ba7ar...

me: wallah ana malait, bas ilshabab istanisaw.. riyoog huh? ma3zoom?;p

her: hahahh ee akeeeed! 7ayaaak!

me: min 9iji.

her: huh? 

me: min 9iji yalla al7een yayech zahbay ilriyoog..

her: uhh Khaled, no!

me: LOL adreee i just love messing with you...

her: latkhare3ny chitheee next time loool

me: ya3ni shda3wa may9eer, this sucks. 

her: yeah i knowww!

me: oh so you also want to hang out with me?

her: ee i do..

me: so why dont we?

her: shqasdek?

me: latifhimeeni ghala6, bas i'd really love to hang out with you sometime abe a3aref mino Lujain akthar!

her: mafahamtek ghala6, mafahmt bas;p uhh, madree Khaled wouldnt it be kind of awkward?

me: only if you make it awkward...

her: true, bas wain oo shlon?

me: ilyoum? we can walk on the beach..

her: bas Jawa? your friends?

me: my friends ma3alaich khaleehom 3alay.. When Jawa sleeps come.. 

her: bas akhaf its too late.

me: your gna be bel ba7ar all day... i dont think shes going to have a lot of energy belail.. 

her: true, she'll be asleep by 10, im sure.

me: khalas awal ma tnam tell me oo ayeelch..

her: ok great. see you then :) ttyl breakfast and ba7ar..

me: take care Lujain :)

her: you too Khaled :)

MA A9ADEG. Akheeran!


Wallah law tadree 3ani Jawa, tithba7ny. Bas serously what am i supposed to do? i want alone time with him too! mu min 7agy? the guy says he wants to marry me. Mu ga3deen insawee shay ghala6. 

After a long day & after taking a shower, i got a bbm from Khaled telling me hes ready. I told him Jawa was asleep & that i just needed to change. I kept it simple, ya3ni shda3wa. Hes supposed to like me no matter what. I wore my jeans shorts with a white body & an orange Juicy cardigan with black Juicy flip flops. I applied some bronzer to enhance my tan & some mascara. I wanted to look like i was at the beach all day, i didnt want to look too glammed up. I wore my favorite necklace, 2 rings, my diamond studs and fixed my hair. I then sprayed on some perfume.

I bbmed him & told him where the shalaih was. Minutes later he was on the beach in navy blue shorts and a white polo shirt & flip flops. He waited for me to come & said hi. He shook my hand (which i found very polite of him). We walked comfortably, it didn't seem awkward. 

him: shhal taaaaaan?

me: hehehe eeee, al7een inta ga3ed bel ba7ar all day oo bas hatha lounik?

him: eee shiftay shloun? ma asbagh bser3a!

me: hehhe ghareeba.

him: ee.. so tell me about you ba3ad..

me: wallah madre shagoolik hhehhe

him: abe a3aref qisas 3anich wintay yahel *he gave me a really warm smile*

me: *i lookeddown & started digging in through my memories for stories about my childhood* hmm... well, umm.. hahahahhahahahahahahhahhha

him: hahahha shfeeeeeech! magiltay ilsalf oo ghashaitay!

me: eeee la2ana tithakart salfa;p

him: yalla goolay!

me: okay hahaha i was 7 or 8 years old oo 6al3a wiya ubouii.... 


bas th7akat lama tithakart ilsalfa i wanted to hold her in my arms and hug her layma ti6la3 ilshams! Abe aboos'ha! Abe ag3ad wiyaha all night! Abeeha. 

kanat tgooli ilsalfa & all i could do was stare into her eyes and watch her every move. Ityanen. 

Shloun 9irt chithe ana? Shloun 7abait wa7da? Ma a7eb ib kel sihoola, hathe dashat galby oo msekta! 

kamalna mashy 3ala ilba7ar, madre wain wi9alna bas kan wanasa.. on our way back kint ga3da asoulif 3an ahaly agoolaha akthar 3anhom oo madre shloun right then and there my hand made its way to her and we locked fingers. She didnt look at me but i was looking at her right when it happened. In9idamt min nafsy. Shloun misakt eedhaaaa?! I didnt even think of doing it. Anyway, i held her soft hand which seemed to be tiny in my hand and we walked, i kept squeezing her and she kept squeezing back, but we didnt say a word about it. 

I didnt want to let go, bas Lujain got tired fa i told her I'd give her a piggy back ride for fun;p she thought i was kidding. ma darat. I picked her up on my back oo rikatht feeha on the sand! I ran as afast as i could and she was laughing so hard bas trying to stay quiet 3ashan she doesnt attract any attention. 



her: please hahahahahhhaha ba6nyyyyyy!

me: shfeeeech * i stopped*

her: *she whispered in my ear* khalid put me down now please

me: *i turned my face to my right shoulder and her face was just inches away, her beautiful eyes were staring at mine, her nose was so close to touching mine & her lips were just an inch away. I was so tempted, but i didnt.. i couldnt do that to her.* inshallah min 3yoony, cham Lujain 3indy ana?

her: wa7da oo bas wa7da! nazelnyyyyy

me: *i put her down slowly* erta7tay?

her: eeeee hahahha that was fun!

me: 3asa doum mistansaa ma3ay!

her *she looked down & smiled*

me: yalla emshay its almost 1, thats too late may9eer chithee..

her: ayshay its 1?

me: eee yallaaa

her: weeeh okk, lets take our time malekhelg amshy;p

me: hehe okk;p

We talked for 10 minutes or so while walking to their shalaih. We stopped and this is where things got a little awkward. 

me: your staying bacher 9a7?

her: atwaqa3 bacher il9ib7 bin7arek, we dont have anything thank God for long weekends, bas waray shghel..

me: ee nafs 7alty, abe adres

her: ee 7ata ana 

me: ee inzain bitnameen al7een?

her: atwaqa3, you?

me: ee akeed;p

her: goodnightt Khaled

me: bas chithee good night oo bitdisheen?

her: la2

me: 3ayal?

We were standing a fewsteps away from eachother.. She walked towards me and looked at me... ana wigaft oo ma sawait shay, abe ashoof shino her plan. She held my hands and i pulled her closer to me and she put her arms around me and hugged me. I put my arms around her and hugged back. Her hair was in my face & i couldnt help but smell it. It was so fruity, i loved it. She stepped back and said good night again and walked away. 

I was standing there waiting for her to go inside the shalaih. I couldnt move, ma kint mistaw3eb shay. 

Bittersweet Love Part 14

Havent posted in a while, what with graduation & a million things going on... C: i promise i'll post more often! :)


A7LAAA 9idfa! I'm so happy we went out for breakfast before going to shalaih. It gave me a chance to see Khaled after our amazing talk yesterday. We have a lot in common. il7imdilah.

ilmohim, after eating our breakfast, we paid and i got into my car and Jawa rkibat yamy. I noticed Khaled, my former Mr. Dishdasha also paid but was probably waiting for his change. I didn't want to seem desperate to see him, shbigool 3anii ba3dain? So, i just left.

Jawa plugged in the AUX & her ipod and we listened to our special shalaih playlist. I loved our drives to the shalaih. My parents would let me if i went early in the morning. Itha belail, ansa shay isma sayaraa oo shalaih! Anyway, we were almost there so i told Jawa to call 9ub7y they're 7ares to open the gates to their halaih 3ashan indish.

After settling in i took my phone out of my bag & bbmed Khaled.

Me: Hey! That was awkward huh? I just arrived to Bnaider shalaih my friend. I'm going to spend the weekend here so its going to be kind of hard to talk to you on the phone & bbm..

2 minutes later he replies: Hey.. ouff 7ada:p 7ilfay intay ib bnaider? ana bayee ilyoum bas akhalis min ilnady! inshoofich;)

Me: hahha khalas bbm me when your here?

Him: min 3yoonii :D

I was so tempted to say "YESLAMLY HAL 3YOON OO HAL 7ALAT OO HAL 6OOL OO HAL JISIM" bas ista7ait 3ala wayhee oo sikat;p

Anyway, we changed into our swim suits, got our yummy fruit drinks and headed to the waves! We went back to being baby Jawa & Lujain. I loved it. It was a much simpler time. We didn't care about anything except having fun. After going crazy, the sun was about to set so i got my ipod and speakers and decided to chill before showering and getting food.

The pink sky slowly faded into a purple one then a navy one as we got up and head in to wash up.

We were clean & ready to head out to get dinner and go back to eat while we watched tv. Rikabt sayarty oo fita7t iltenta oo i plugged in my ipod. Sha3re lail7een kan fe shwaya maay oo i was soooo tanned! I chose to wear a white top and jeans shorts 3ashan my tan ebayen ;)

I checked my phone wela 3indy bbm min Khaled egooli ina wi9al ilshalaih an hour ago oo ina byt3ashoun oo they watch tv ba3dain biroo7oon 7adag.

I replied with a simple: great, enjoy :D

Ma kint abe a36ee wayed wayh, akhaf i do oo yifhamha ghala6.


As a drove down the long road Khaled's smile was all i could think about. I threw my phone in the cup holder and cranked up the volume. I sang and laughed with Jawa, everything seemed to fall into place. It was perfect.

After having dinner we decided to sleep & wake up nice and early to tan and enjoy the waves.