Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 22


Me: Lujain?

she turned her head and looked at me and left her hair alone. she was playing with her curly hair. she always does that. always doing something, this time it was playing with her beautiful hair. i looked at her

her: halla?

me: sh3indich ilyoum?

her: i was going to study 3indy midterm 3ugub bacher

me: inzain lets both ditch studying and do something together all day?

her: like what?

me: lets go swimming

her: haw wain?

me: shalaihna

her: umm.. no khaled..

i knew i wasnt supposed to say that, ilashkal eli iroo7oon shalaihat waskheen when they do that, bas i want to spend the day with her actually doing something and having fun...

me: Lujain i know what your thinking

her: yeah exactly, mala da3y...

me: sorry.. bas dont think of it that way, i just wanted us to do something fun...

her: mm madree, khal enkhalis min hal suwalif khaled oo ba3dain i9eer khair...

me: okaay..

we had a long talk about our midterms and what we wanted to do that week. we didnt bring up anything about "mawthoo3na" which was a relief but i knew i had to do something about it.. now.

her: inzain ana lazim amshy al7een la2ana i need to study oo belail lazim inroo7 bait Jawa her family imsawyeen 3asha oo 3azmeena..

him: yalla ok i'll drop you to your car..

she got up and i held her hand and lead the way to the door.. what was weird was that she held my hand really tight as if i was letting go and she didnt want me to.

we got to her car, she put on her sunglasses, threw her stuff in the passenger seat and got in.. i held the door open and told her to take care, and right then and there, i saw a single tear escape her eyes and appear under her sunglasses.

while i was wiping away her tear: lujain shfeech? tell me..

her: your not going to do anything right?

me: lujain i told you i am..

her: thats what you said last time.

me: last time was different. lujain i told you abe atzawejich. i want to get married to you, as soon as possible ba3ad.

her: bas khaled lay mita oo hal cold feet? khaled lama agoolik i dont know what were doing i mean it. tara ana 7aly min 7alek. the only difference is that inta rayal oo ana bint. bas were both as clueless as each other and its obvious we have no idea what were doing. we need our parents khaled and you doing this isnt helping.

me: lajoonty, please fihmeeny. please rakzay wiyay (i held both of her hands and got at her eye level and really close to have her undivided attention) im going home now, not to study, no. im going home now to sit with my mom and dad and talk to them about this. then once e2athen win9ali, im going to sit at the phone and get my mom, shes going to dial your house number and talk to your mother. fahma?

i was dead serious, no more cold feet. ana abchy lujain? abacheeha of something im sure i want but im totally clueless about? she was right, we just need to be guided by our parents oo adree mara7 ega9roon.

her: okay khaled.

me: i love you, you know that?

her: i love you too khaled, wallah i love you too..

we both smiled and i kissed her hand then shut the door to her car. I headed to my car and stayed put until Lujain moved. it took her awhile, i could see her fixing her face after all the crying. as soon as she got out of the parking lot, i followed and lost her somewhere between the cars.

i got home and found my mom drinking her coffee and watching the news with 3 newspapers stacked up next to her on the couch.

me: 9abaa7 ilkhair ya aghla um (as i proceeded to kiss her forehead)

her: haa.. 9aba7 ilnoor! wain kint inta?

me: mako wa7id min ilshabab kan yaby shaghla fa ri7tla..

her: eee.. shlounik?

me: wallah zain il7imdilah, intay shlonich?

her: zainaa, bas madre shfeeni ta3bana bas abe anam..

me: ee shwarach yuma, namay irta7ay hahha

her: la wallah? oo mino bimshy ilbait?

me: ee 9a7.. ya7ilwich yuma..

her: hehhe

after a long silence...

me: yuma abe ag3ad wiyach intay oo ubouy bas yig3ad ok?

her: ee afa 3alaik. laish feek shay?

me: hhehhhe la2 yuma mafeeni ila il3afya bas fe mawthoo3 abe akhith raykom feeh...

her: ee inshallah.. roo7 badel oo rayi7, ubouuk akeed byeg3ad ba3ad shwaya may7ib inam wayed..

me: inshallah..

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