Monday, April 25, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 11


Laish ma radat? Ga3adt bfrashy na6er yimkin itrid itdeg 3alay?

Somewhere between thinking of her breathtaking curls to her dazzling eyes and her slender body, i drifted to sleep..


Hi, Khaled AlFlani? Sorry i texted so late :)

After drifting off to sleep thinking of the woman i want, i wake up to a message from her? This is the life....

To: Lujain
yepp;) thats me.. its okay, can you talk?

She didnt reply...

15 minutes later...


I waited a few minutes and called...


*ringggggg riiiiinggggg riiiiiiiiiiiiinggggg riiiiiinnnnggg*

I loked down and saw Khaled's number.. it was 12:45am.. WHY DID I SAY YES?!!!!!!!! FASHLA!
I answered my phone..

Me: alo?

Khaled: alooooo  (his aloo made me laugh, it was so long and his voice was so deep.. i loved it)

Me: hehehhe

Khaled: hehhe shlounich Lujain?

Me: tamam, inta shlounik?

Khaled: tamaam..

*awkward silence*

Khaled: shemga3dich hal 7aza? shouldnt you be asleep?:p

Me: i would be asleep if i could sleep... *sighed*

Khaled: laish? shfeech?

Me: madre, im having trouble sleeping 9arly fatra (LIE! LIE! LIE! I CANT SLEEP BECAUSE I CANT STOP THINKING OF YOU!!!!)

Khaled: 3asa ma shar?

Me: ma shar, bas you know, jam3a...

Khaled: ta3alay intay shino ur major...

we talked for what seemed like an hour about random topics. His voice was so sexy... i could tell he was smiling the whole time and when i said something funny he'd laugh. He had the sexiest laugh ever, matches his smile. We decided to act like we dont know each other when we passed university and that we'd keep this just between us. that meant i wouldn't be telling Jawa.........


Foug inha jameela, it3aref itsoulif. I dont think i'd ever be okay with talking to a girl and being with her if she didn't know how to start a conversation. Abe wa7da 7ilwa, jisimha 7ilo, sha3arha 7ilo, t3aref tabis, 6uweela oo foug hatha abe shakh9eeya qaweeya... Thats one of the main reasons why i dont really do relationships. I get what i want from them and then leave, its never enough though.

ilmohim, 9arat ilsa3a 2 wishway, mane gayel 7ag a7ad 3anha, were keeping our mouths shut.

everytime she'd crack a joke or tell me one of her funny childhood memories, all i could think of was what she might be wearin.. what she looks like right now, is her hair up? is it down? is it as curly as it was yesterday? I wanted to be next to her, i wanted to touch her. I wanted to touch her body, i wanted my arms around her waist, i wanted to stare at her. I wanted to do a lot with her. Bas 6ab3an magdar agool shay, all in good time.

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