Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bittersweet Love Part 9


6ool il6ireej wana afaker feeha, makhtha 3agly.

Shes so beautiful. Her hair, her skin, her smile, the way she freaked out when i talked to her. Her name, Lujain... so beautiful.

Waaaih min mita ana chithee? wayed 9ayer romancey..

Dakhalt ilbait wela ilwalda ib wayhe wiya khalty bye6le3oon iroo7oon il9aloon 3indahum 3irs belail. Taghadait ibser3a oo 9a3adt foug badalt oo ri7t ilnady. It was thursday! I wasnt going to see her for two days. I'm actually going to miss uni.

I tried to have fun with my friends without thinking of her but it was kind of hard since every time i closed my eyes, all i could see were her eyes, her hair, her smile and everything else about her.


Mr.Dishdasha now had a name. Khaled Al Flani...

I went home, called Jawa and told her to come over if she felt like it. I havent seen her in ages, shes been in bed and i've been soooooooo busy with university. I decided to take a break from all my studying today, since it was a thursday. I missed my best friend, my sister, Jawa. She came over in her navy blue Juicy track suit and i wore shorts and a t-shirt. We closed all the shutters and watched a movie while we had lunch and sweets.

As i was sipping my chay 7aleeb, i decided to tell her about Khaled. She has to know!

Me: uu-hh Jawa, pause digeega..

Jawa: (paused the movie) ha shfeech?

Me: Jawa.... lazim agoolich shay.

Jawa: (got really excited and sat up) shfeech Lajoon, latkhar3eeni ili feeni kafeeni wallah il3atheeeeem!

Me: (giggled) Jawoon hehehhhe (i got up and sat next to her)

Jawa: (hit me) goolay!!!!

Me: Jawa fe wa7id isma Khaled... Al Flani

Jawa: (her jaw dropped)

Me: (gave her a blank stare) shfeeech?

Jawa: kamlay...

Me: (i told her what happened and she didnt interrupt until i was finished)

Jawa: Lajoon!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and she gave me a big hug) Lujaaaaaaaaaain 3ady agoolich shay????

Me: eeee?

Jawa: I know who the guy is, i know he's a good guy. I know he's the perfect guy for you..

Me: shloun? (i was shocked!!)

Jawa: rifeej Saloom my cousin, hes such a good guy! Sa3at eyee bait khalty, he's that close with Saloom's family, 7esbat waladhom!

Me: your kidding 9a7?

Jawa: la wallah il3atheeem!!

Me: oh my GOD!!!! tadreen shino raya7teeeeeeni?

Jawa: (hugged me) bas Lajoon mu ma3nata itkalmeena wet9eer qisat 7ub oo gharam? tara wallah it'll end that way, khaleekom chithee arya7likom.

Me: hehehe inshallah mama!

Jawa: inzain roo7ay gi3day hnak and let me watch this movie!

Me: way3a! (giggled)

Jawa: (gave a look and a warm smile)

Next thing i knew, it was 9:30 and we'd slept on the couches. What woke me up?

*riiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg riiiiiiiiiiingggggg*

Me: haaa bismillah

Jawa: wtf is that???? khaleeeni anaaam!

Me: u-hhh okkk...

I looked down, 9986****........

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